Highperformr is built for collaboration and to drive employee advocacy. The platform makes it easy for teams to collectively amplify social presence and makes tasks such as collaboration and approval seamless and friction free.

Workspaces are at the centre of everything you do on the product — whether it is your personal workspace or a team workspace. 

The workspace is where users can create drafts, schedule posts, manage their content calendars, manage their publishing dashboards, collaborate with teammates, view reports and analytics, and handle all social media management tasks.

If you’re working as a team, you can set up dedicated workspaces, give the new workspace a unique name, and personalize it. You can add unlimited users to your workspace.

Roles & Permission

You can add and remove members to the workspace at any time and assign roles and permissions to every member.

The roles can be one of four — Collaborator, Content Creator, Publisher, and Admin. These roles will decide the kind of access and permissions they have. You will also be able to define who has access to whose account.  

In addition to these roles, you can also define whether or not the user will be able to approve 

drafts shared by others before publishing. Just turn the toggle on or off to give a user the role of an approver.

Share Drafts

Highperformr allows multiple users to create and collaborate on drafts. 

You can create drafts and easily share them with others. You’ll also be able to view the list of drafts that others have created and shared with you –– you can find the list under the Drafts section on the publishing dashboard. 

To share your draft with someone, simply click the Share button on the top right and enter the name or email id of those you want to share your draft with.

Share Drafts Externally

The post can be shared with people outside of your workspace as well. You simply need to add the email address of the person you want to share the draft with, and an email will be sent to them. 

Alternatively, you can hit the ‘Copy link’ button to get a link to the post, and send it to them on other channels. While using this option, you also get to define if it will be a private link or a public link that anyone can access.

Tag Teammates on Drafts

You can easily have conversations with your teammates on the drafts screen. Simply @mention the person with any questions or suggestions you may have and they’ll get email notifications in real time. Teammates can then respond to the question by simply adding a comment to yours.

This makes it easy to streamline any collaboration between multiple users, and avoid toggling multiple windows or multiple documents when multiple people are working on a draft.


Seeking and providing approvals can happen in one click. To share a draft for approval, you just click the Ask Approval button on the top right corner of the screen and the names of people who need to approve the draft. They’ll immediately be notified via email. 

When necessary, you can send approval reminders or even recall approvals on posts.

Approval Queue

Posts you’ve shared for approval and those awaiting approval from you are all collated under the Approval Queue tab for quick reference.

Any post that is not approved is sent back to the drafts stage, and can be seen under the Drafts tab.

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