
Boost outbound sales with Highperformr AI

Transform social media into a lead-generation engine. Use AI to identify high-intent leads from competitors, push the contacts seamlessly into your CRM, track the contacts’ social activity and engage strategically to increase chances of converting leads to deals.

Identify prospects engaging with your competitors

Discover high-potential leads by monitoring your competitors' social media activities.

  • Track new connections, comments, and other interactions on your competitors’ social handles
  • Use the signals to plan personalized outreach strategies to people who have already shown interest in the kind of product you sell

Stay informed when key contacts change jobs

Reduce the risk of churn when customer champions switch jobs

  • Get notified when key decision-makers and influencers in your ICP change jobs
  • Easily maintain or re-establish connections with customer advocates and brand champions
  • Use data to upsell or cross-sell, and land new customers through existing connections

Run hyper-targeted outbound campaigns and improve social selling

Use social signals to engage contacts better, and plan outbound sales strategy

  • Reach out to the right person at the right time and focus efforts on leads most likely to convert
  • Judge buying intent based on social media activity such as downloading ebooks or attending webinars

Access an enriched database for precision outreach

Run targeted outbound campaigns effectively with better sales enablement data

  • Maintain an up-to-date account book enriched with social media insight and signals
  • Connect with the right prospects at the right time, and get better response rates

Get Started for Free

Play around with it first. Pay and add your team later.