Highperformr has been built to make it easy for you to write, schedule, and publish content across multiple handles on both LinkedIn and Twitter, at scale.
Connect your Accounts

To get started, you’ll have to connect your social media handles to Highperformr. The number of handles you connect will depend on which Highperformr package you’ve purchased – Free, Pro, Team, Enterprise.

You can connect and disconnect accounts from Highperformr at any time. 




1 active profile
2 active profiles
Upto 25 active profiles
Create Posts

You can create posts from scratch or use Highperformr’s Social AI capabilities to draft posts, generate post ideas, or to improve/enhance a post you’ve drafted. 

To create a post from scratch, just click the compose button and you’re good to go!

Enhance with AI 

You can improve the draft you wrote using Highperformr Social AI. You can give it any prompt or instruction of your choice just like you would on any AI-assisted writing tool such as ChatGPT.

You can also use one of the pre-set instructions such as make it crisp, make it professional, fix spelling and grammar, add emojis or key in any prompt or instruction of your choice for the AI. 

The drafts can be further enhanced with emojis and hashtags, or multimedia content such as photos, GIFs, videos, or PDFs.

Ask Highperformr AI

The Highperformr Social AI can help you easily turn broad ideas into posts drafts, thus helping save time and effort spent on drafting content for social media.

Simply feed the Social AI copilot raw input – whether it is in the form or a link to a blog or news article, a PDF, or even just a keyword or a topic – and guide it through a few questions and answers about the length of the post, the content angle to focus on, etc. The Social AI will generate drafts personalized for you, based on your writing style and tone of voice. 

Highperformr will generate multiple drafts for you, and you can give a thumbs up or a thumbs down based on what you think of the content so the AI can learn from your preferences and refine the output each time.

AI Settings

You can personalize the AI settings and provide input and information about the kind of posts you’d like it to generate for you every day. 

Basic Info

You can start with telling the AI about yourself –– what you do, what your profession or role is, which industry you’re part of, etc. This input will be used each time the AI needs to generate a post idea for you, or improve drafts you’ve written. 

Topics or Keywords

Next, you provide input on the topics you’d like the post ideas to be about, and what keywords you’d like to focus your content on. 

The more specific your input is, the more accurate and relevant the post ideas will be. 

For example, if you’re a social media manager and you write often about LinkedIn marketing, you could put that down as one of your topics or keywords. However, adding a more specific topic or keyword such as ‘LinkedIn Marketing Tips’ will give you post ideas that might be closer to what you’d ideally post. 

Your Writing Style

Once that’s done, you give the AI direction on the writing style and the tone of voice you’d like it to use for your content, whether you’d like to include emojis, and whether or not you’d like hashtags suggestions with your drafts. 

Your Sources of Inspiration

We also recommend sharing a few links to posts you’ve written, so the AI can learn from the style and generate ideas similar to that. For example, if your previous posts all have emojis before every line break, the AI can learn from that pattern and use it while generating content for you.

The Social AI can also assist with any research or news monitoring that you do to come up with social media post ideas. 

If there are a few news sources or websites you regularly track to get ideas on what content to create, you can give the AI links to news sites, blogs, or subreddits and the AI will track what’s trending on those website, and generate post ideas for you based on those topics and in your writing style.


Every post that isn’t immediately published will be saved as a draft so you can pick it up at a later time, edit, and then publish. 

You can access all your drafts and published posts from all connected accounts, in one place in a clear Kanban view.  You can either have a consolidated view or filter drafts by account or profile.

Kanban View Social Content Planner

The dashboard gives you a clear, consolidated view of all the content created from your Highperformr account. All the post ideas, drafts, scheduled posts, drafts under approval, etc. are segregated into categories and displayed on the social content planner. You can easily filter the content by account, by date, and based on any custom tags assigned to the posts. 

The kanban view provides a visual representation of your content pipeline, allowing you to easily track the progress of your content from idea to publication. It also helps stay up-to-date with real-time updates on the status of every piece of content.

Profile mentions on LinkedIn

You can easily @mention others’ personal profiles or company handles directly while drafting and scheduling your posts from your Highperformr window. No more scheduling without @mentions and then scrambling back to LinkedIn to add them. No more juggling between platforms or missing out on tagging essential connections.

You can @mention handles while writing your post and the account will be tagged and notified as soon as the post goes live on LinkedIn. Tagging profiles increases visibility, pulls your post into more timelines, and attracts better engagement, from likes and comments to reposts.

Tweet Thread

While drafting your posts, you can also draft and schedule Tweet Threads ahead of time and schedule them to be published. 

The first tweet of the thread can be drafted and scheduled as you would any other post. To add the subsequent tweets to create a thread, just click the Add first comment button and add the text and supporting media.

Highperformr also allows you to schedule the tweet thread with a small time delay between the tweets. You can customize this time delay by selecting the Automation page on the left navigation bar and clicking on the Change settings button under the Delay threads section.

LinkedIn First Comment

While drafting your posts for LinkedIn, you can also draft and schedule the first comment that will go on your post soon after it is live. 

To do this, just click the Add first comment button and add the text and supporting media that you would like posted as the first comment to your LinkedIn post.

Post Tags

You can easily categorize your social posts by adding tags to the drafts – the way you would for any blog you publish. You can color code the tags as well, to easily identify posts under a certain tag. 

Tagging posts helps sort and organize your content clearly and bring some structure to the reams of content you create. 

Tagging makes it easy for people to identify and discover content related to a particular topic or theme, or belonging to a certain campaign. Tags prove to be extremely useful for tracking analytics and monitoring performance.


Once the post is ready, you can either click the Post Now button to publish immediately or schedule the post for later. 

There are multiple ways you can schedule your post to be published. 

You can simply key in the date/day and time, or pick one of the open slots on the calendar. For instance, you can just say “tomorrow at 330pm” and the post will be scheduled. 

Or, you could pick from one of the preset slots that you can see on your calendar.

In-app notifications

Highperformr provides real-time notifications directly within the app. You get in-app notifications about activities like new profile integrations, scheduled posts, live posts or republishing events, and shared drafts. These notifications help you stay on top of your content calendar, react on time to any changes, and assist with monitoring and management of your social media activities.

Calendar/ Queue

The calendar will give you a comprehensive view of all posts scheduled, from all handles. You can easily see which posts are going to be posted when, and which slots are empty. 

The calendar is dynamic, allowing you to draft posts directly in the calendar view, and edit posts that are already slotted in the calendar. 

The calendar also comes with an interactive consistency tracker. The chocolate bar gives you an overview of how consistent you or your team is. 

It gives you a quick view of the numbers of posts queued, the handles they’re scheduled from, etc.

Published Posts

All posts published through the Highperformr platform are listed under the Published Posts tab along with an overview of how well they’ve performed in terms of impressions, likes, replies, and reposts. 

Highperformr also maintains a list of posts that for some reason didn’t get published. Under the Failed Posts tab, you’ll have a list view of all posts along with the probable reasons for the failure so you can make any fixes necessary and reschedule.

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Get Started for Free

Play around with it first. Pay and add your team later.