Crafting attention-grabbing posts every day can be a little difficult. Our Social AI is trained to consistently supply you with creative, engaging post ideas based on your interests.

Our social AI is not a generic  generative AI tool. It creates posts specifically tailored for social media publishing. It understands your areas of interest, monitors the internet to track trending topics, and gives you the intel you need to stay active on social media.
Social AI Copilot

The Highperformr Social AI can help you easily turn broad ideas into posts drafts, thus helping save time and effort spent on drafting content for social media.

Simply feed the Social AI copilot raw input – whether it is in the form or a link to a blog or news article, a PDF, or even just a keyword or a topic – and guide it through a few questions and answers about the length of the post, the content angle to focus on, etc. The Social AI will generate drafts personalized for you, based on your writing style and tone of voice. 

Highperformr will generate multiple drafts for you, and you can give a thumbs up or a thumbs down based on what you think of the content so the AI can learn from your preferences and refine the output each time.

AI Settings

Basic Info

You can start with telling the AI about yourself –– what you do, what your profession or role is, which industry you’re part of, etc. This input will be used each time the AI needs to generate a post idea for you, or improve drafts you’ve written.

Topics or Keywords

Next, you provide input on the topics you’d like the post ideas to be about, and what keywords you’d like to focus your content on.

The more specific your input is, the more accurate and relevant the post ideas will be.

For example, if you’re a social media manager and you write often about LinkedIn marketing, you could put that down as one of your topics or keywords. However, adding a more specific topic or keyword such as ‘LinkedIn Marketing Tips’ will give you post ideas that might be closer to what you’d ideally post.

Your Writing Style

Once that’s done, you give the AI direction on the writing style and the tone of voice you’d like it to use for your content, whether you’d like to include emojis, and whether or not you’d like hashtags suggestions with your drafts.

Your Sources of Inspiration

We also recommend sharing a few links to posts you’ve written, so the AI can learn from the style and generate ideas similar to that. For example, if your previous posts all have emojis before every line break, the AI can learn from that pattern and use it while generating content for you.

The Social AI can also assist with any research or news monitoring that you do to come up with social media post ideas.

If there are a few news sources or websites you regularly track to get ideas on what content to create, you can give the AI links to news sites, blogs, or subreddits and the AI will track what’s trending on those website, and generate post ideas for you based on those topics and in your writing style.

Enhance with AI

Once you have a draft to work with, you can improve the content using Social AI. 

You can use one of the pre-set instructions such as make it crisp, make it professional, fix spelling and grammar, add emojis or key in any prompt or instruction of your choice for the AI. 

You can then further improve your posts with emojis and hashtags, or add color to the content with photos, GIFs, videos, or PDFs.

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